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Children like sweet food right from the start. Some vegetables are sour or bitter. Children do not like that at first. But parents can influence how strong the preference for sweet food gets.

Start with solid foods. Solid foods are the foods that your baby eats in addition to breast milk or baby formula. Do not prepare the baby’s food the way you like it. Do not add sugar or salt. This way, your child will get used to the flavours.

Children like the food they know. They often do not eat new foods. But no need to panic. Above all, you need to be patient! Sometimes, a child needs to try new food 8 to 10 times before they accept it. Offer foods as often as possible!

Children also learn by watching, so be a good role model.

A child’s taste develops very early. Even before birth, they can taste what the mother ate. Breast milk also tastes like the food the mother ate. Children who have been breastfed often try more new foods.


  • Do not pressure your child to eat. Children do not always eat the same amount. Sometimes they eat more, sometimes less.

  • Eat at the same time as your child. Children prefer to try new foods when others are around.

  • Try different foods and flavours.

  • Offer foods that feel different in the child’s mouth. For example, mashed vegetables one time and steamed vegetables another time.

  • Let your child eat in different ways. For example, with a spoon or with their fingers.

  • Talk to your child while eating. Look your child in the eye. Kindly encourage them to eat.

  • Be a good role model. Eat a variety of healthy foods.

  • Do not give your child food as a reward.