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It is important to protect yourself and your child from infections. This is true during your pregnancy, while breastfeeding and in everyday life. Make sure to keep your kitchen clean. Also, pay attention to cleanliness while you buy, store, and prepare food.

Cleanliness in the kitchen:

  • Wash your hands and those of your child regularly:

    • before and after preparing food,
    • before eating,
    • after touching animals,
    • after gardening,
    • after using the toilet.
  • Use clean towels to dry your hands. You can also use disposable towels.

  • Replace sponges and kitchen towels regularly.

  • Clean the fridge regularly.

  • Clean the worktop and appliances right after you use them.

  • Keep your pets out of the kitchen.

Buy and store food:

  • Pay attention to the cold chain. This means to make sure that your food stays cool until you eat or prepare it. Take a cool bag or a cooling element with you when you buy meat or fish. Put your food into the fridge as soon as you get home.

  • In the fridge, store raw food separately from food that can be eaten right away. On some raw foods, there can be germs. For example, on meat or fish. These germs can make you ill. Cover freshly cooked food in the fridge. This prevents germs from getting on the food.

  • Überprüfen Sie regelmäßig die Temperatur im Kühlschrank und im Tiefkühler. Die richtige Kühlschranktemperatur ist zwischen 4 – 6°C. Die richtige Temperatur im Gefrierfach ist –18°C.

  • Clean the fridge regularly.

  • Do not eat food if the use-by date or the best-before date have expired.

  • Throw mouldy food away. Do not just cut off the mouldy part.

Prepare food:

  • Make sure to wash vegetables, salad, herbs, and fruit well before you eat them.

  • Use different work surfaces for meat, raw eggs, and raw vegetables. Your work surfaces should be as smooth as possible. This way, they are easier to clean.

  • Always cook dishes with meat, fish, and eggs thoroughly.