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  • Brum-Brum-Bärenbrei

BrumBrum bear porridge

Frühstück Zutaten für 2 Portionen 250 ml Milch 50 g Hirse Rosinen nach Bedarf 1–2 Pfirsich(e) etwas geriebene Mandeln Zubereitung Die Milch mit Hirse und Rosinen aufkochen und ca. 20 Minuten auf niedriger Flamme leicht köcheln lassen. Zwischendurch immer wieder umrühren. Pfirsich(e) ggf. schälen, in kleine Stücke schneiden und einen Teil der Pfirsichstücke ein paar Minuten mitkochen lassen. Den Brei in eine Schale geben, mit den restlichen Pfirsichstücken belegen und mit den geriebenen Mandeln bestreuen. Anstatt der Pfirsiche können auch Marillen oder verschiedene Beeren verwendet werden. Rezept BrumBrum Bären Brei ...

  • Elefantenstarker Trorööö-Spieß

Elephant-strong Trorööö skewer

Main courses Ingredients for 2 portions of chicken skewers 100 g chicken 50 g aubergine 50 g courgette 50 g pepper Skewers a little rapeseed oil Ingredients for 2 portions of yoghurt dip 100 g yoghurt (3 tbsp) herbs (e.g. chives) a little pepper Ingredients for 2 portions of sweet potato wedges 240 g sweet potato a little rosemary Preparation Wash and peel the sweet potatoes and cut into small wedges. The sweet potato wedges should not be too thick, otherwise they will not be nice and crispy. Place on a baking tray lined with baking paper and bake in a preheated oven at 210° C for approx. 20 minutes. Wash the fresh herbs thoroughly, pat dry and chop into small pieces. ...

  • Wuff-Wuff-Erdbeereis

Woof-woof strawberry ice cream

Desserts Ingredients for 2 portions 125 ml buttermilk 1 tbsp lemon juice 1 stalk of lemon balm 350 g strawberries Preparation Mix the buttermilk and lemon juice. Wash the lemon balm and chop the leaves into small pieces. Pour the buttermilk into the washed berries, add the lemon balm and finely puree everything with a hand blender. Place the mixture in the freezer for about 5 hours. Serve in portions. Recipe woof-woof strawberry ice cream (.pdf)

  • UFO-Laibchen mit Marspüree

UFO loaf with marshmallow puree

Main courses Ingredients for 8 loaves 100 g millet 250 ml water 1 bay leaf 1 egg size S 3 tbsp parsley & chives, washed and finely chopped 1 tbsp quark a little rapeseed oil Ingredients for 4 portions of mash 2 potatoes a little water 400 g peas, frozen 2 tbsp fresh mint leaves Preparation of the millet loaves Put the millet in a sieve and wash it hot, then boil it in water with the bay leaf and leave to soak for 20 minutes over a low heat. Leave the millet to cool for about 10 minutes (to prevent the egg from curdling). Then mix with the egg, herbs ... mix.

  • Tante Irenes Lieblingskuchen

Aunt Irene's favourite cake

Desserts Ingredients for 1 cake 3 eggs 150 g sugar 200 g wholemeal spelt flour 100 g wheat flour universal ½ tsp baking soda 300 g courgette 100 g hazelnuts (roasted & ground) 1 tsp cinnamon a little butter and flour to grease the baking tin Preparation Beat the eggs with the sugar until frothy. Mix the flours with the bicarbonate of soda and stir into the sugar and egg mixture. Preheat the oven to 200°C. Meanwhile, wash and roughly grate the courgettes and fold into the batter. Then add the hazelnuts and cinnamon. Grease and flour a baking tin a little and pour in the cake mixture. Place the ...

  • Vollkornbrote „Tobias und Elias“

Wholemeal breads "Tobias & Elias"

Breakfast and snacks Ingredients for 2 people 3 slices of wholemeal bread 3 teaspoons of cream cheese 3 thin slices of turkey ham Salad or vegetables of your choice for topping Preparation Spread cream cheese on the wholemeal bread and top with ham. Wash the vegetables for topping thoroughly with cold water, dab with kitchen paper and place on the bread to form a funny face as desired. Recipe wholemeal bread "Tobias and Elias" (.pdf)

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