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  • Nudelauflauf al’Alfredo

Pasta bake al'Alfredo

Main course Ingredients for 4 portions 250 ml water 100 g pasta (e.g. croissants) 1 small carrot (approx. 50 g) 50 g celeriac 1 tbsp chopped onion 1/2 clove garlic 1/2 yellow pepper (approx. 50 g) 1 tbsp olive oil 100 g minced beef 1/2 tbsp tomato puree 200 g tomato pulp a little water 2 tbsp grated Gouda cheese 1/2 tbsp chopped parsley Preparation Bring the water to the boil in a pan and prepare the pasta according to the pack instructions. Wash and peel the carrot and celery and chop them together with the onion and garlic. Wash the peppers too, remove the seeds and chop into small pieces. Olive oil ...

  • Karla auf der Kichererbse

Karla on the chickpea

Main courses Ingredients for 2 portions Sweet potato salad 1/2 sweet potato (approx. 100 g) 1 carrot (approx. 100 g) 1 tsp rapeseed oil a little water (5-6 tbsp) 50 g chickpeas (cooked from a tin) 2 small tomatoes 5 g grated walnuts a little pepper Ingredients for 2 portions of trout 1 tsp olive oil 1/2 clove garlic 100 g trout fillet 1 slice of lemon 1 tsp chopped parsley Preparation of the salad Wash and peel the sweet potato and carrot and cut into small pieces. Heat the oil in a pan, add the carrot pieces and fry briefly. Then deglaze with a little water and sauté for approx. 10 minutes. As soon as the carrot ...

  • Hexenkessel


Main courses Ingredients for 3 portions 1 potato (approx. 100 g) 1 carrot (approx. 100 g) 1 small parsnip (approx. 50 g) 1 piece of root parsley (approx. 50 g) 1/4 courgette (approx. 50 g) 2 tbsp chopped onion 1 tbsp olive oil 150 ml water 1 bay leaf 1 tsp dried oregano 60 g white beans (cooked from a tin) Preparation Wash, peel and chop the potato, carrot, parsnip, root parsley and courgette. Chop the onion into small pieces. Pour the olive oil into a pan and lightly fry the onion. Add the chopped vegetables and sauté for approx. 5 minutes over a medium heat ...

  • Foxy‘s Lieblingsfrühstück

Foxy's favourite breakfast

Frühstück Zutaten für 2 Portionen 1 Apfel (ca. 100 g) 2 Datteln (à ca. 6 g) 150 ml Wasser 1 Prise Zimt 50 g Couscous Zubereitung Apfel waschen und mit den Datteln klein schneiden. Anschließend in einem Topf mit Wasser und Zimt aufkochen Sobald die Apfelstücke weich sind, den Topf vom Herd nehmen, den Couscous dazugeben und aufquellen lassen. Umrühren und servieren. Rezepte Foxys Lieblingsfrühstück (.pdf

  • Bunte Toastecken mit Ratz-Fatz

Colourful toast sticks with Ratz-Fatz

Main courses Ingredients for 2 portions of toast wedges 1/2 small pepper (approx. 25 g) 1 small carrot (approx. 50 g) 1 small piece of courgette (approx. 25 g) 1 tbsp chopped parsley 1 tbsp grated Gouda cheese 1 tbsp sour cream 2 slices wholemeal toast Ingredients for 2 portions of carrot and kohlrabi salad 1 small carrot (approx. 50 g) 1/2 kohlrabi (approx. 50 g) 1 tsp rapeseed oil a little vinegar Preparation of toast wedges Preheat oven to 180°C. Wash the pepper, remove the seeds and cut into small cubes. Wash, peel and grate the carrot. Wash the courgette and cut into small pieces, finely chop the parsley. Mix the vegetables with the grated cheese ...

  • Halloweensuppe

Halloween soup with spooky bones

Soup Ingredients for 2 portions of soup 100 g pumpkin 1 carrot (approx. 100 g) 2 tbsp finely chopped onion 1 tsp rapeseed oil 250 ml water a pinch of nutmeg 1 tbsp chopped parsley Ingredients for the creepy bones (8 pieces) 1 roll of pizza dough 8 pieces of Gauda (approx. 8 g each) a little olive oil Preparing the soup Wash the pumpkin, remove the seeds with a spoon and peel. Wash and peel the carrot too. Cut both into large cubes. Peel and finely chop the onion. Heat the oil in a non-stick pan. Fry the onion first, then the pumpkin and carrot. Stir with ...

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