Austrian breastfeeding recommendation

Healthy babies are already optimally nourished through breastfeeding and do not need any food or liquids in addition to breast milk in the first few months of life.

Almost every mother is able to fully breastfeed her child, even with multiples. Good counselling and support can help with learning to breastfeed. All people who care for mothers and babies should feel addressed and support mothers.

The Austrian Breastfeeding Recommendations were adopted by the National Nutrition Commission on 9 September 2014 to optimally promote breastfeeding.

Austrian breastfeeding recommendation

Breastfeeding situation in Austria

According to the study "Infant Feeding Today 2006", which contains information on the topic of breastfeeding and the feeding behaviour of infants in Austria, the initial breastfeeding rate is 93%. After three months, a total of 72% of respondents were still breastfeeding (60% exclusively and 12% partially). After six months, a total of 55% were still breastfeeding (10% exclusively and 45% partially).

Studie zum Thema Stillen und dem Ernährungsverhalten von Säuglingen – Kurzfassung

Studie zum Thema Stillen und dem Ernährungsverhalten von Säuglingen

Further figures and data on the breastfeeding situation in Austria can be found in the Breastfeeding support