The critical time window for improving infant nutrition begins with pregnancy and lasts until the age of 3. Nutritional deficits acquired during the first 1000 days are difficult to make up later in life.

However, it is not always easy for parents to make the right and healthiest decision. The information available is too varied and contradictory. At what age should complementary foods be introduced? Which nutrients are particularly important? When does an infant need additional drinks? With the "Richtig essen von Anfang an!" Austrian complementary food recommendations" published by "Richtig essen von Anfang an!" in 2010 were the first nationwide standardised, scientifically based nutritional recommendations for infants of complementary feeding age.
Mit den von „Richtig essen von Anfang an!“ 2010 erschienenen „Österreichischen Beikostempfehlungen“ wurden erstmals bundesweit einheitliche, wissenschaftlich fundierte Ernährungsempfehlung für Säuglinge im Beikostalter geschaffen.

To ensure that the recommendations reflect the current state of scientific knowledge, the recommendations were updated and expanded in 2022.
The "Austrian Complementary Food Recommendations" were revised on the basis of the current data situation, subsequently revised in the Working Group on Infants, Pregnant Women and Breastfeeding (AG KISS) of the National Nutrition Commission (NEK) and then subjected to an expert consultation (Nutrition and Child Health Division). After further processing in the KISS working group, the updated version of the "Austrian Complementary Food Recommendations" was adopted by the NEK on 26 January 2022.

The document is aimed at healthcare professionals and is intended to ensure clear and standardised nutritional communication to parents and carers throughout Austria.

Austrian dietary supplement recommendation - Expert:innenversion