Do I have to eat for two?
There is a myth that says you should eat for two. This myth is not true. During pregnancy, you only need about 250 kcal more per day in the second trimester (13th - 27th week of pregnancy). This can easily be covered by a snack such as an apple and a carton of butter and milk or a graham roll with cheese and tomato. In the third trimester (28th to 40th week of pregnancy) you need another 250 kcal more per day, i.e. a total of 500 kcal more per day. You can satisfy your hunger with:
- Colourful lentil stew
- Pike-perch with polenta and tomato salad.
It is important to cover the additional energy requirement with nutrient-rich foods such as vegetables, pulses, fruit, wholemeal products and dairy products.
Can the publications available on the homepage also be ordered?
All programme-related publications and the recipe brochure ‘Proper nutrition from the start - pregnancy and breastfeeding’ from the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection are available exclusively as downloads on our homepage.