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Can cold-pressed oils be used for the preparation of complementary foods?

Cold-pressed oils may be used for the preparation of complementary foods. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are important for a child's development. They promote:

- The motor skills.

- The development of vision.

- The development of the brain.

Therefore, add small amounts of vegetable oils (1-2 teaspoons per 100 grams of porridge) to the baby food. If you use ready-made porridge, check whether it already contains oil. You will find this information on the label. If it already contains oil, you do not need to add any more. Linseed, rapeseed, walnut, soya, wheat germ and olive oil are very suitable.


Darf mein Kind auch von Beginn an Finger-Food essen?

Some children don't like fine porridge, preferring to eat steamed broccoli or a raw apple. Other children find it difficult to eat porridge with small pieces. It is important to cater to the child's individual preferences. Offer the child both porridge and finger food. Then they can decide for themselves which they prefer. Observe how the child reacts to the different consistencies and take the child's development into account.

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