You are not alone with this problem! Around 80-90 per cent of pregnant women suffer from nausea at some point during their pregnancy, which is more common in the first trimester. We give you some tips that can help against nausea. If you suffer from prolonged or severe vomiting, you should see your doctor immediately. If the previous measures do not help, it is also advisable to consult a doctor. Use the telephone or go to an emergency room.

Some tips for mild nausea:

Eat a small snack before getting up, such as:
- Wholemeal biscuits
- Rusk
- Crispbread

and drink a cup of tea. Get up slowly afterwards.
Eat several small meals throughout the day and drink enough. Do not eat too much at once. Snacks between meals can be helpful.

Here are some examples:
- Wholemeal products
- Toast without butter
- Cracker
- Breakfast cereals without sugar
- Fruit
- Vegetables
- Salads

Choose foods that contain less: