Fr 28.03.2025 09:00 - 11:30 UHR

Ernährung von Kindern im ersten LebensjahrIGLU Wels, Billrothstraße 17, 4600 Wels
Kursbeitrag: Teilnahme kostenlos
Unser Baby lernt essen! Um das 6. Lebensmonat reichen Muttermilch und Säuglingsnahrungen alleine [...]
11freie Plätze

Fr 28.03.2025 09:30 - 11:00 UHR

Ernährung von Kindern im ersten LebensjahrOnline
Kursbeitrag: Teilnahme kostenlos
Unser Baby lernt essen! Um das 6. Lebensmonat reichen Muttermilch und Säuglingsnahrungen alleine [...]

Fr 28.03.2025 10:00 - 12:00 UHR

Ernährung von Kindern im ersten LebensjahrOnline
Kursbeitrag: Teilnahme kostenlos
Unser Baby lernt essen! Um das 6. Lebensmonat reichen Muttermilch und Säuglingsnahrungen alleine [...]

Mo 31.03.2025 14:00 - 16:30 UHR

Ernährung von ein- bis dreijährigen KindernPro Mami Waidhofen/Ybbs, Unterzellerstraße 19, 3340 Waidhofen an der Ybbs
Kursbeitrag: Teilnahme kostenlos
Damit unsere "Kleinen" gesund groß werden, ist es von Bedeutung, sie schon früh für ein v[...]
10freie Plätze

Mo 31.03.2025 14:30 - 17:00 UHR

Ernährung von Kindern im ersten LebensjahrEltern-Kind-Zentrum Telfs, Bahnhofstraße 13, 6410 Telfs
Kursbeitrag: Teilnahme kostenlos
Unser Baby lernt essen! Um das 6. Lebensmonat reichen Muttermilch und Säuglingsnahrungen alleine [...]
5freie Plätze

Mo 31.03.2025 16:30 - 18:30 UHR

Ernährung in der Schwangerschaft und StillzeitOnline
Kursbeitrag: Teilnahme kostenlos
Ich werde Mama! - Eine spannende Zeit beginnt! Damit Mutter und Kind von Anfang an optimal versor[...]
16freie Plätze

Mo 31.03.2025 18:00 - 20:00 UHR

Starke Eltern von Anfang anOnline
Kursbeitrag: Teilnahme kostenlos
Ein Kind zu bekommen ist eine besondere Herausforderung – auch für die Paarbeziehung. In diesem k[...]

Mo 31.03.2025 18:00 - 20:00 UHR

Ernährung von Kindern im ersten LebensjahrOnline
Kursbeitrag: Teilnahme kostenlos
Unser Baby lernt essen! Um das 6. Lebensmonat reichen Muttermilch und Säuglingsnahrungen alleine [...]

Di 01.04.2025 08:30 - 10:30 UHR

Ernährung von Kindern im ersten LebensjahrOnline
Kursbeitrag: Teilnahme kostenlos
Unser Baby lernt essen! Um das 6. Lebensmonat reichen Muttermilch und Säuglingsnahrungen alleine [...]

Di 01.04.2025 09:00 - 11:00 UHR

Ernährung von Kindern im ersten LebensjahrOnline
Kursbeitrag: Teilnahme kostenlos
Unser Baby lernt essen! Um das 6. Lebensmonat reichen Muttermilch und Säuglingsnahrungen alleine [...]

Further dates for workshops can be found here

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Workshops "Nutrition during pregnancy and breastfeeding as well as during complementary feeding and in infancy"

During pregnancy and early childhood, a child's eating behaviour and taste preferences are decisively shaped. Here are some examples that can influence this: Measures that promote health can provide a healthy start during sensitive stages of life and effectively protect against many diseases later in life. These measures can help to avoid harmful behaviour.

Free tips and assistance are available throughout Austria for (expectant) parents, relatives and interested parties. These include the latest scientific findings on nutrition during pregnancy, breastfeeding and nutrition in the first year of life (complementary food age). There are also workshops on the topic of "Nutrition for one to three-year-old children".

The following topics are dealt with in a practical manner:

  • Would you like to find out more about additional energy requirements during pregnancy?
  • You are concerned with the question: "How much weight can or should I gain during pregnancy?"
  • How much exercise is good during pregnancy and why?
  • How can you influence the health of your unborn child right now?
  • How much carbohydrate, protein and fat should a pregnant woman eat? How can I recognise good quality?
  • Would you like to know more about important vitamins and minerals during pregnancy? Want to learn how to get them through food to give your baby the best possible start? Here are some important vitamins and minerals you need:
    Folic acid
    - Iron
    - Calcium
    - Vitamin D
    You can get this from foods such as green leafy vegetables, wholemeal products, dairy products and fish.
  • Do you suffer from pregnancy symptoms and would you like tips on how to avoid or alleviate them?
  • What should you pay particular attention to now? Which foods should you avoid during pregnancy? Which foods are suitable? How can you avoid food-borne illnesses by handling food correctly and practising good hygiene?

You can find out this and much more at the free "Nutrition during pregnancy" workshops in your federal state. Trained experts are available to answer questions and provide practical information on the latest scientific findings on these exciting topics.

  • Did you know that breastfeeding has health benefits for mums and babies? Would you like to find out how important breast milk is and what benefits it has for you and your baby?
  • Have you ever wondered how much more you can or should eat while breastfeeding?
  • Would you like to know which foods are important for you as a mother during this time of breastfeeding?
  • Would you like to find out more about the variety of foods and are wondering how you can integrate a balanced diet into your everyday life?
  • Have you noticed how thirsty breastfeeding can make you and are you wondering which drinks are the most suitable?
  • What should you pay particular attention to when breastfeeding? Would you like to know how many cups of coffee or tea are allowed while breastfeeding?
  • Did you know that breastfeeding can help you lose weight after giving birth?
  • If you cannot or do not want to breastfeed, you may be wondering which alternative is best for your baby's health. In this case, you can seek advice from a doctor or breastfeeding counsellor. Would you like to know up to what age your baby can be given milk?
  • Learn how to prepare ready-made dairy foods correctly in the workshop.

You can look forward to lots of tips on how you can enjoy eating while breastfeeding.

  • You are interested in the question of when the right time has come to start complementary feeding. Do you know the signs of baby's maturity?
  • Do you know how a baby's taste preferences develop and what you can do to support them?
  • Would you like to find out what you can do to make your baby accept many different foods?
  • Have you ever wondered which foods are suitable for the first year of life and what is the best thing to start with?
  • Do you know how much energy and nutrients your baby needs for optimal development?
  • Are you looking for practical tips for preparing porridges?
  • She is interested in what other forms of nutrition are suitable for babies and which are not.
  • Did you know that the right diet can prevent allergies? Have you ever heard of coeliac disease and would like to know how you can protect your baby from it?
  • Have you ever wondered which foods are suitable for small children and what to look out for?
  • Are you interested in what other forms of nutrition are available, which are suitable for small children and which are not?
  • Would you like to learn more about the variety of foods and how to integrate them into a balanced diet for your child?
  • You are looking for:
    - Exchange of experience
    - practical tips
    for your everyday cooking?
  • Wondering how you can bring your child and broccoli together?
  • Do you know how much energy and nutrients your toddler needs for optimal development?
  • You want to be a good role model for your toddler, but what should you look out for?
  • Are you particularly interested in dealing with food allergies and food intolerances?
  • Are you interested in finding out how you can best meet your toddler's calcium requirements?
  • Are you wondering whether your toddler needs special foods?
  • Have you ever wondered how long you can give your toddler a bottle?
  • You know: Exercise is important in everyday life. But does that even apply to small children?