
Cooking today?

Parents often ask themselves this question.

Especially for families with small children, the phase of transition to the family diet is often challenging. The child would like to eat like the grown-ups, but there are still a few things to keep in mind. Therefore, all recipes in our recipe collection correspond to the recommendations for 1 to 3 year old children, but are intended for both young and old.

Kind ist am kochen

Now I'm cooking with the big ones!

Recipes for 1 to 3-year-olds

Note: The brochure can be ordered from the order service of the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection via the following link or by calling 01 71100 - 86 25 25 free of charge.



Main courses


Spring bread

Frühstück und Snacks Zutaten für 2 Portionen 3 Radieschen 2 EL Frühlingszwiebel 4 Cherrytomaten 1/4 ...

Breakfast and snacks



The recipe videos from REVAN Carinthia show how to prepare quick and tasty recipes for small children. To cook after Videos for colourful toast sticks with Ratz Fatz, Elefantenstarker Trorööö Spieß, blueberry pancakes, Kunterbunte Energiesuppe and Löwenhappen.

The REVAN Kärnten recipe videos from the ÖGK regional office in Carinthia were produced in collaboration with photographer Daniel Gollner, and the food blogger Sandra Exl, lanalifestyle.comproduced.

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