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  • Berichte

Evaluation report 2022

Der Evaluationsbericht 2022 für die im Jahr durchgeführten Workshops „Ernährung in der Schwangerschaft, Stillzeit, im Beikostalter und ein- bis dreijährige Kinder“ wurde auf unserer Homepage veröffentlicht. Im Bericht sind die österreichweiten Evaluierungsergebnisse sowie die Detailauswertungen der Bundesländer für das Jahr 2022 zusammengefasst. Hier finden Sie den Evaluationsbericht 2022 Evaluationsbericht 2022

  • AGES Preisverleihung für REVAN

REVAN was honored

Eating right from the start! was honoured with the AGES Award in the SOCIETY category. Since 2008, the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety, the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection and the umbrella organisation of social insurance institutions have been making the latest scientific findings in the field of infant and child nutrition as well as nutrition for pregnant and breastfeeding women accessible to citizens and experts with the "Eat right from the start!" programme and supporting the transfer into practice. You can watch the short video of the project presentation here.

  • Kind trinkt aus Flasche

New information sheet for parents "Bottle feeding - what to look out for"

If an infant is not or only partially breastfed, industrially produced infant formula (infant formula and follow-on formula), which is fed by bottle, is the right alternative to breast milk. The range of products on the market is very large. The information sheet "BOTTLE FEEDING - WHAT TO LOOK OUT FOR" provides parents with answers to important questions, for example: What should be considered when choosing bottle feeds? Which bottle feeds are completely unsuitable in the 1st year of life? How do I prepare the bottle correctly? Representatives of Frühe Hilfen Österreich were involved in the creation of the guide, as well as a group of mothers from the Caritas St. Pölten mother and child centre. Through the ...

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