A balanced diet is particularly important for health and well-being. Curiosity about this topic should be awakened in children in particular in order to lay the foundations for a healthy diet.

Sie finden hier Ernährungsempfehlungen für 4- bis 10-jährige, Unterrichtsmaterialien und hilfreiche Informationen für Pädagog:innen, um den Unterricht abwechslungsreich, interessant und informativ zu gestalten.

Nutritional recommendations for children aged 4 to 10 years

The "Nutritional recommendations for children aged 4 to 10" are based on the latest scientific findings, translate the recommendations on the energy and nutrient requirements of this age group into practical, food-based recommendations and show the optimum portion sizes for each food group.

Um Ernährungsinformationen für die Bedürfnisse von Pädagoginnen und Pädagogen kompakt und übersichtlich aufzubereiten, wurden Factsheets zu den Themen „Ernährungsempfehlungen von 4- bis 10 jährigen Kindern“, „Frühstück und Jause“, „So macht Essen Spaß“ und „Lebensmitteldetektive im Supermarkt“ erstellt. Diese Factsheets sollen vor allem einer schnellen und anschaulichen Wissensvermittlung dienen.

"Nutritional recommendations for 4 to 10-year-olds"

"Breakfast and snack"

"This makes eating fun"

"Game - Food detectives in the supermarket"

In order to contribute to an attractive and health-promoting catering offer for pupils and school staff, a checklist for school catering was drawn up which, in addition to the nutritional recommendations of the target group, also takes into account numerous other factors of successful school catering.

This checklist provides an overview of ways to optimise eating and drinking in everyday school life. and can be used for self-assessment, even if no lunchtime catering is offered directly at the school.
This can be used for self-assessment, even if no lunchtime meals are offered directly at the school.

Checklist for school catering

The checklist is aimed at school owners and all those who play a role in the organisation of school catering - lunches, buffets, etc: Educators, catering providers, parents and guardians, pupils. By completing the checklist, you can get an overview of which criteria for health-promoting school catering are already being met at your school and where there may still be a need for action.

Accompanying information on the school catering checklist

The brochure accompanying the school catering checklist contains detailed background information on the individual areas of the checklist, which will help you to implement healthy school catering. It is supplemented by practical tips and a comprehensive collection of links to relevant contact points and further reading.