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Only a few children have allergies or intolerances to certain foods. If you believe that your child cannot tolerate certain foods, have a medical examination carried out. Do not leave food out for long periods of time if there is no medical confirmation of an allergy or intolerance. This could put a strain on your child if it does not get enough important nutrients. It could even be detrimental to their health.

If your child has an allergy or an intolerance, see a doctor or a nutrition expert. This could be a dietician, for example. They can help you make sure that your child gets enough nutrients. Your child should avoid certain foods only as long as it is necessary.

Sometimes, small children can be intolerant to certain foods. But this often changes over time. Children often tolerate the foods by the time they reach school age. Therefore, make sure to check regularly if your child tolerates the food again.

What do I do if I think my child has an allergy?

Sometimes, children react to certain foods. However, this does not have to be an allergy. Therefore, you must get an allergy test if you suspect an allergy. Ask your family doctor where you can take such a test.

More information:

You can find more information about allergies and intolerances here: