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Your child is now in kindergarten or even in school. Your child has to be active and attentive for a long time during the day. They need energy and enough nutrients. Your child needs a balanced diet that suits their age. A balanced diet means eating different types of foods that contain all the important nutrients every day. Above all: vegetables, fruit, cereal, and dairy products. From time to time, your child should also eat meat, fish, and eggs.

It is a good idea to share meals as a family. You can be a good role model and show your child that you also eat healthy food.

Children like to eat several small meals a day. They always eat different amounts. Many children do not like certain foods or only want to eat their favourite food. We learn in our early childhoods what we like to eat. It is therefore important for children to learn about different flavours when they are young.

Try to eat together with your child regularly.

Shared meals can help for your child to like healthy food later on. Also, shared meals are a social event. Your child feels that you are attentive at mealtime. They feel a sense of community. In a familiar environment, they also learn that a healthy diet is important.

Children can usually tell whether they are hungry or full. Let your child decide how much they want to eat. Then they will be able to tell whether they are hungry or full as adults. Eating should be fun. Do not force your child to eat certain foods, but always offer new foods. This way, your child can try different flavours.

Eating should be fun. Do not force your child to eat certain foods, but always offer new foods. This way, your child can try different flavours.

Do not ban any foods either. Banned foods are even more interesting for your child.

Help your child choose the right food. Be a good role model. Parents are the most important role models for children, make the most of it! You can show your child that good, healthy food is fun.

Influences on eating behaviour