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Keep things clean:

  • Waschen Sie sich und Ihrem Kind die Hände mit Seife und Wasser.

  • The kitchen must be clean. Keep the appliances, worktop and sink clean.

  • Clean all your dishes with hot water or in the dishwasher.

Handle your food carefully

  • Always store food at the right temperature. This also applies when you bring the food home from the shops. This is important for meat, fish, eggs, milk, dairy products, and frozen food.

  • If you store raw and cooked foods in the fridge at the same time, cover them. Also, store them separately from each other.

  • If you have a private well for drinking water, always check the water quality. Have your well checked by experts regularly. If you use the local water supply, this is not necessary. But if you want, you can get the current analysis values from your local water supplier.

  • Do not give any raw meat, fish, or eggs to your child. Milk and dairy products must be pasteurised.

  • Small children should not eat raw sprouts. Cook or fry them first.

  • Frozen berries and food with frozen berries can make your child sick. Heat the berries to over 90 degrees before your child eats them.

  • Do not give your child sliced melon after it has not been in the fridge for several hours.

  • Throw mouldy food away immediately.

  • Wash fruit and vegetables before eating.

How to cook properly

  • Always prepare food and drinks as freshly as possible.

  • Always cook raw meat, fish, and eggs thoroughly. They should be heated to at least 70 degrees for at least 2 minutes. Do the same when you reheat leftover food.

  • If you have raw milk, boil it before you give it to your child.

  • If you prepare food, eat it immediately. Do not keep the food warm for long periods of time.

  • If you have leftovers, leave them to cool. Then store them in the fridge or freeze them.

  • Put frozen food in the fridge to defrost. You can also cook it when it is still frozen.

  • Do not put food back in the freezer after it defrosted.